Why Being an Entrepreneur Sometimes Feels Tough (and How to Keep Going)
Massive shifts are happening cosmically and all around us globally, plus we have election day on Tuesday. As a member of HERlocity, I am willing to bet that, like me, you believe everything is happening for us.
And yet, some days feel, like my TedX mentor says, “a bikini wax of the soul.” 🥴
There may even be days where, between everything going on, you may wonder when the heck all your efforts are going to fully click into place.
Nearly a decade later, and 425k+ invested into my holistic entrepreneurship (HoE) journey…I can tell you this: it is worth it.
The ultimate expression of purpose and freedom is being a holistic entrepreneur.
If you are playing a big game in business around income and impact, here are the ten unpopular yet liberating truths you need to hear:
1️⃣ You will be in a permanent state of re-invention.
2️⃣ The bigger the impact, the more you must learn to embrace uncertainty.
3️⃣ You will grieve the parts of yourself that you shed along the way.
4️⃣ There will be tears. Let them flow - they cleanse your soul.
5️⃣ You must give your body time to grow and expand fully.At times, the work will have to wait.
This is mission-critical. ⬆️
6️⃣ Fear will yell at times. Over time, you will learn how to lower the volume if you listen to what it [fear] has to show you.
7️⃣ At times, things will feel frustratingly familiar. Know it's simply a new level.
8️⃣ Shedding limiting beliefs around money is some of the biggest (and best) nervous system work you will ever do.
9️⃣ Remembering who you are daily will anchor you when the 'waters get rough.’
🔟 When you express gratitude for your business’s success and satisfaction before it arrives, you accelerate its arrival.
Stay grounded, purposeful, and above all...stay brave.