Embracing the Messy Middle and Growing Through Discomfort
You took the big leap, launched your own business, and poured your belief into what you’re creating. Yet, there’s SO much you didn’t know you didn’t know! You tell yourself to take it “one day at a time,” but some days it feels more like “one hour at a time.”
And let’s talk about that inner critic! No one warned you just how LOUD it can get. But still, you show up—because deep down, you know you’re here to make a difference.
Now you’re building out the next step in your journey: a new offer, product, or launch. You’ve charted the course, you believe in it… and yet, there’s a voice that wonders if it’ll work, if people will love it, and, let’s be real, if they’ll actually buy it.
Welcome to growth, or what we call “the messy middle.”
This stage might feel familiar, especially if you’ve been in business for a while, but that doesn’t make it any more comfortable. And if you’re sitting there thinking, “Yup, I know this feeling,” here’s what I offer: You’re not alone. You’re exactly where you need to be, and you’ve got this.
Five years into my own entrepreneurial journey, I still meet the “messy middle.” It’s uncomfortable, but I’ve learned to appreciate it. Because this stage is where the magic happens; it’s where we push through discomfort and turn it into growth, fueling a bigger impact in the world.
If you’re in the middle of your growth spurt, keep these reminders handy, write them on your mirror, or repeat them when you need strength:
✅ This isn’t hard—it’s unfamiliar.
✅ I can and I will. Period.
✅ Discomfort is the fertilizer for my growth.
✅ I am not alone. Everything is working for me.
✅ And most importantly, this is where I show my commitment to my business and my legacy.
Each day, we have a choice:
• To “Fu*k Everything And Run”*
• Or to “Face Everything And Rise.”
One isn’t better than the other; it’s about embracing the choice that feels right. So, if you need a break, take it—journal, walk, breathe. But then, get back on the field. You’re needed, your mission is needed, and the impact you’re here to create is more significant than any discomfort in the moment.
Stay brave, keep going, and remember that this is all part of the journey of Holistic Entrepreneurship.